Friday, November 7, 2008

Global Warming—A Method of Power and Control

All scientist basically say, “millions of years ago, when dinosaurs ruled the world, when the earth was much warmer than it is today.” Now if that was the case, was T-Rex driving around in his SUV warming the planet? Of course he wasn’t. Scientists have also discovered that the planet Mars is warming. Are there Martians on the planet Mars building factories and driving SUV’s? Obviously not.

The Middle Ages were warmer than it is today (see the History Channel’s special “Little Ice Age”), in fact, it was so warm that when the Vikings settled Greenland they brought their livestock over—livestock cannot live in Greenland today. Maybe that’s why they called it Greenland? Anyway, were the Vikings building coal fired power plants warming the planet? Were Robin Hood and his Merry Men driving around Sherwood Forest in their SUV's warming the planet? Of course they weren’t.

Now with these facts, we can logically conclude that “man-made global warming” is a hoax. So then, why are our politicians telling us we need to solve this, and how are they proposing we solve this “climate crisis?” By declaring carbon dioxide (you know, that substance we exhale and plants take in to produce the oxygen we need to survive) a pollutant, and then taxing those emissions from the factories and power plants that produce the goods we buy and the energy we use—can you say price increases! After our leaders get through taxing and regulating carbon dioxide emissions from these sources, what's to stop them from seeking to control carbon dioxide emissions from another source—us.

Let’s face it, "global warming" is a means of power and control over “we the people” by our “non-representing representatives.” It can be summed up by two quotes: the first from Vladimir Lenin, the first communist leader of the Soviet Union (whose birthday is coincidently—or perhaps not—the same day as Earth Day), “A lie told often enough becomes the truth;” simultaniously our politicians will be laughing all the way to the U.S. Treasury, counting the tax receipts from their "Carbon Emissions Tax" shouting the Jerry Maguire slogan—“Show me the money!”

Post Script: In an interesting aside, the government will collect their “Carbon Emissions Tax” from a cap-and-trade system. Under this system the government will issue carbon emission permits (at a cost of course) and set carbon dioxide limits that every business will have to adhere to. Those who exceed their limits can trade, or in other words buy (my, this is getting expensive) carbon credits from another business who has emitted under their limit. Those unable to purchase carbon credits will be forced to pay a fine—“show me the money” indeed. I can’t wait to see my electric bill after this goes into effect. And one more thing—didn’t Enron use to trade energy in much the same way as the way this cap-and-trade system is supposed to work?