All scientist basically say, “millions of years ago, when dinosaurs ruled the world, when the earth was much warmer than it is today.” Now if that was the case, was T-Rex driving around in his SUV warming the planet? Of course he wasn’t. Scientists have also discovered that the planet Mars is warming. Are there Martians on the planet Mars building factories and driving SUV’s? Obviously not.
The Middle Ages were warmer than it is today (see the History Channel’s special “Little Ice Age”), in fact, it was so warm that when the Vikings settled Greenland they brought their livestock over—livestock cannot live in Greenland today. Maybe that’s why they called it Greenland? Anyway, were the Vikings building coal fired power plants warming the planet? Were Robin Hood and his Merry Men driving around Sherwood Forest in their SUV's warming the planet? Of course they weren’t.
Now with these facts, we can logically conclude that “man-made global warming” is a hoax. So then, why are our politicians telling us we need to solve this, and how are they proposing we solve this “climate crisis?” By declaring carbon dioxide (you know, that substance we exhale and plants take in to produce the oxygen we need to survive) a pollutant, and then taxing those emissions from the factories and power plants that produce the goods we buy and the energy we use—can you say price increases! After our leaders get through taxing and regulating carbon dioxide emissions from these sources, what's to stop them from seeking to control carbon dioxide emissions from another source—us.
Let’s face it, "global warming" is a means of power and control over “we the people” by our “non-representing representatives.” It can be summed up by two quotes: the first from Vladimir Lenin, the first communist leader of the Soviet Union (whose birthday is coincidently—or perhaps not—the same day as Earth Day), “A lie told often enough becomes the truth;” simultaniously our politicians will be laughing all the way to the U.S. Treasury, counting the tax receipts from their "Carbon Emissions Tax" shouting the Jerry Maguire slogan—“Show me the money!”
Post Script: In an interesting aside, the government will collect their “Carbon Emissions Tax” from a cap-and-trade system. Under this system the government will issue carbon emission permits (at a cost of course) and set carbon dioxide limits that every business will have to adhere to. Those who exceed their limits can trade, or in other words buy (my, this is getting expensive) carbon credits from another business who has emitted under their limit. Those unable to purchase carbon credits will be forced to pay a fine—“show me the money” indeed. I can’t wait to see my electric bill after this goes into effect. And one more thing—didn’t Enron use to trade energy in much the same way as the way this cap-and-trade system is supposed to work?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Secret To The Survival Of Islamic Civilization
“For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed” (John 3:20). Since some Muslims try really hard to get videos removed from YouTube with their flagging campaigns; in this posting, I want to address those Muslims specifically. What are you afraid of? What does that say about your religion; that you have to connive and scheme to keep people from knowing the truth? Again, what are you afraid of? It seems that you’re actually afraid for people to know what the Islamic scriptures actually say, which this audience will begin to find out why as they continue reading.
But in your defense, Allah was afraid for people to know the truth too, as we find in Qur’an Surah 5:101-102, “O you who believe! Ask not about things which if were made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you." Now let’s stop right here. Allah just said for Muslims not ask questions, but they can ask questions and I quote, “while the Qur’an is being revealed.” The Qur’an was revealed 1400 years ago. So if Muslims today have a question, sorry your out of luck, because as the Qur’an says and I quote again, “But if you ask about them while the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you;” anyway, moving on with Qur’an Surah 5:101-102, “Before you a community asked such questions, then on that account they became disbelievers.” So I can see why you don’t want people to know the truth, because as Allah himself said, ask questions about Islam and you’ll stop believing in it. I guess that’s why Allah said in Qur’an Surah 4:89, “They but wish that you should reject faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah. But if they turn renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.” Seize and kill those who turn renegades. Well, since we’re dealing with life or death here, let’s check with Allah’s messenger Muhammad, just to be sure we understand who Allah’s talking about when he’s telling Muslims to seize and kill those who turn renegades. Bukhari V4B52N260, “If someone (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.” Well, you can’t get much clearer than that.
So according to Allah, not only can’t you ask any questions, but if you leave Islam and Muslims find you, they’re to kill you. And one other thing that Allah says in Qur’an Surah 4:89, and that is Muslims are not to make friends with non-Muslims. This not making friends with the infidels seems to be very important, because Allah said the same thing in Qur’an Surah 5:51, “O you who believe! Take not Jews or Christians as friends. They are but friends to each other. And if any among you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them.” Don’t take Jews or Christians as friends; no wonder the Muslim world hates us. Their god commands them not to make friends with us.
For those of you hoping for an Islamic reformation, if you check your history, the Protestant Reformation started after the printing press was invented and people began to read the Bible for themselves. So why is it that the more a Muslim reads the Qur’an, the more violent it is they become? On this subject of Islamic reformation, let’s see what Muhammad had to say about such things; speaking as if he was in Allah’s paradise, Muhammad said in Bukhari V9B88N174, “Far removed (from mercy), far removed (from mercy), those who changed the religion after me.”
Anyway, if the threat of death and torment isn’t enough to keep Muslims inline, Allah went one step further in ensuring his control, and that can be summed up in one word: Hijab. That’s the name of the covering that Muslims women have to wear when the leave their home or are in the presence of men who are not their family members, because as you’ll learn (and as the people of Europe are beginning to learn), Muslim men cannot be called upon to control themselves. To best explain this, I’ll post the history of why Muslim women wear the Hijab and the command from Allah that they wear it, putting it in story form; then I’ll post from the Islamic text the same material. By doing so I think it will become clear to all non-Muslims as to why Muslims don’t want people to know what their scriptures actually say; I mean after all, look at what great lengths they went to try and silence Salman Rushdie.
Anyway, here’s Bukhari’s Hadith and Qur’an Surah 33 in story form: Umar, wanting to make sure that women are "kept in their place," continually goes to Muhammad and says, "You need to have your wives veiled." Muhammad says, "I don't think that's necessary Umar" and ignores his pleas. Not giving up on his idea, Umar thinks up a plan and hides out in the area where the women go to use the bathroom at night. Although it was dark, Umar recognizes Muhammad's wife Sauda because she was so tall and says to her (while she's using the restroom?), "Ah ha, I can recognize you!" Immediately Umar runs to Muhammad and says, "I could recognize your wife Sauda when she went out to go to the toilet." Not quite knowing what to say, Muhammad dismisses Umar, and retires for the evening.
The next day however, Muhammad comes out and says, "I've received a revelation from Allah commanding that all the women be veiled, and this is what he told me. Allah said, 'O great prophet, Allah’s apostle, lord of the sent ones, leader of the Allah fearing, apostle of the lord of the worlds, the peerless, the unequaled (Ishaq’s The Life of Muhammad, page 234), tell your wives, your daughters, and all the Muslim women to cover their entire bodies, leaving only their faces exposed. That is the best way for the men to know the women are Muslims, so they won’t bother them. But if you men do bother the women, know that Allah is very merciful and will always forgive you. Now if there are any Muslims out there who don’t follow this or any of my other decrees or if they spread false rumors as to why I have handed down this Surah—curses—they are sick twisted fools and I want you to get rid of them. Seize them wherever they are and kill them! That is the way I have always dealt with people, and that is the way I always will.'”
Unbelievable you say? Here’s the story straight from the Islamic text, beginning with Bukhari V1B4N148, "The wives of the prophet used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqia at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. Umar used to say to the prophet "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam'a the wife of the prophet went out at 'Isha' time and she was a tall lady. Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes)."
Qur'an Surah 33:59-62, "O prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is ever oft-forgiving, most merciful. If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts are a disease and those who spread false news among the people in Medina do not stop, we shall certainly let you overpower them, and their days in the city—as your neighbors—will be numbered. Accursed, they shall be seized wherever found, and killed with a terrible slaughter. That was they way of Allah in the case of those who passed away of old, and you will not find any change in the way of Allah."
No wonder Muslims continually carry on flagging campaigns. The truth is devastating for Islam. John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Additional Notes: For those of you who may want to know more on why women are treated so poorly in Islamic society, here are a couple of Islamic scriptures that will help you to understand why:
1) The History of al-Tabari Volume I, page 280, “Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid."
2) Bukhari V1B6N301, “Once Allah's apostle went out to offer the prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of hell-fire were you women. They asked, Why is it so, O Allah's apostle? He replied, You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you. The women asked, O Allah's apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion? He said, Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man? They replied in the affirmative. He said, This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses? The women replied in the affirmative. He said, This is the deficiency in her religion."
Muhammad said in the last Hadith that a woman’s menses was a sign of her being deficient in the religion. The following scripture (and I do mean scripture because Sunni Muslims consider Bukhari and Muslim’s Hadiths Islamic scripture) is an example of why Muslims don’t want people to know what their scriptures actually say: Bukhari V9B93N639 (Narrated by Aisha), "The prophet used to recite the Quran with his head in my lap while I used to be in my periods (having menses)."
But in your defense, Allah was afraid for people to know the truth too, as we find in Qur’an Surah 5:101-102, “O you who believe! Ask not about things which if were made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you." Now let’s stop right here. Allah just said for Muslims not ask questions, but they can ask questions and I quote, “while the Qur’an is being revealed.” The Qur’an was revealed 1400 years ago. So if Muslims today have a question, sorry your out of luck, because as the Qur’an says and I quote again, “But if you ask about them while the Qur’an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you;” anyway, moving on with Qur’an Surah 5:101-102, “Before you a community asked such questions, then on that account they became disbelievers.” So I can see why you don’t want people to know the truth, because as Allah himself said, ask questions about Islam and you’ll stop believing in it. I guess that’s why Allah said in Qur’an Surah 4:89, “They but wish that you should reject faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah. But if they turn renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.” Seize and kill those who turn renegades. Well, since we’re dealing with life or death here, let’s check with Allah’s messenger Muhammad, just to be sure we understand who Allah’s talking about when he’s telling Muslims to seize and kill those who turn renegades. Bukhari V4B52N260, “If someone (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.” Well, you can’t get much clearer than that.
So according to Allah, not only can’t you ask any questions, but if you leave Islam and Muslims find you, they’re to kill you. And one other thing that Allah says in Qur’an Surah 4:89, and that is Muslims are not to make friends with non-Muslims. This not making friends with the infidels seems to be very important, because Allah said the same thing in Qur’an Surah 5:51, “O you who believe! Take not Jews or Christians as friends. They are but friends to each other. And if any among you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them.” Don’t take Jews or Christians as friends; no wonder the Muslim world hates us. Their god commands them not to make friends with us.
For those of you hoping for an Islamic reformation, if you check your history, the Protestant Reformation started after the printing press was invented and people began to read the Bible for themselves. So why is it that the more a Muslim reads the Qur’an, the more violent it is they become? On this subject of Islamic reformation, let’s see what Muhammad had to say about such things; speaking as if he was in Allah’s paradise, Muhammad said in Bukhari V9B88N174, “Far removed (from mercy), far removed (from mercy), those who changed the religion after me.”
Anyway, if the threat of death and torment isn’t enough to keep Muslims inline, Allah went one step further in ensuring his control, and that can be summed up in one word: Hijab. That’s the name of the covering that Muslims women have to wear when the leave their home or are in the presence of men who are not their family members, because as you’ll learn (and as the people of Europe are beginning to learn), Muslim men cannot be called upon to control themselves. To best explain this, I’ll post the history of why Muslim women wear the Hijab and the command from Allah that they wear it, putting it in story form; then I’ll post from the Islamic text the same material. By doing so I think it will become clear to all non-Muslims as to why Muslims don’t want people to know what their scriptures actually say; I mean after all, look at what great lengths they went to try and silence Salman Rushdie.
Anyway, here’s Bukhari’s Hadith and Qur’an Surah 33 in story form: Umar, wanting to make sure that women are "kept in their place," continually goes to Muhammad and says, "You need to have your wives veiled." Muhammad says, "I don't think that's necessary Umar" and ignores his pleas. Not giving up on his idea, Umar thinks up a plan and hides out in the area where the women go to use the bathroom at night. Although it was dark, Umar recognizes Muhammad's wife Sauda because she was so tall and says to her (while she's using the restroom?), "Ah ha, I can recognize you!" Immediately Umar runs to Muhammad and says, "I could recognize your wife Sauda when she went out to go to the toilet." Not quite knowing what to say, Muhammad dismisses Umar, and retires for the evening.
The next day however, Muhammad comes out and says, "I've received a revelation from Allah commanding that all the women be veiled, and this is what he told me. Allah said, 'O great prophet, Allah’s apostle, lord of the sent ones, leader of the Allah fearing, apostle of the lord of the worlds, the peerless, the unequaled (Ishaq’s The Life of Muhammad, page 234), tell your wives, your daughters, and all the Muslim women to cover their entire bodies, leaving only their faces exposed. That is the best way for the men to know the women are Muslims, so they won’t bother them. But if you men do bother the women, know that Allah is very merciful and will always forgive you. Now if there are any Muslims out there who don’t follow this or any of my other decrees or if they spread false rumors as to why I have handed down this Surah—curses—they are sick twisted fools and I want you to get rid of them. Seize them wherever they are and kill them! That is the way I have always dealt with people, and that is the way I always will.'”
Unbelievable you say? Here’s the story straight from the Islamic text, beginning with Bukhari V1B4N148, "The wives of the prophet used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqia at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. Umar used to say to the prophet "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam'a the wife of the prophet went out at 'Isha' time and she was a tall lady. Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes)."
Qur'an Surah 33:59-62, "O prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is ever oft-forgiving, most merciful. If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts are a disease and those who spread false news among the people in Medina do not stop, we shall certainly let you overpower them, and their days in the city—as your neighbors—will be numbered. Accursed, they shall be seized wherever found, and killed with a terrible slaughter. That was they way of Allah in the case of those who passed away of old, and you will not find any change in the way of Allah."
No wonder Muslims continually carry on flagging campaigns. The truth is devastating for Islam. John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Additional Notes: For those of you who may want to know more on why women are treated so poorly in Islamic society, here are a couple of Islamic scriptures that will help you to understand why:
1) The History of al-Tabari Volume I, page 280, “Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid."
2) Bukhari V1B6N301, “Once Allah's apostle went out to offer the prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of hell-fire were you women. They asked, Why is it so, O Allah's apostle? He replied, You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you. The women asked, O Allah's apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion? He said, Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man? They replied in the affirmative. He said, This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses? The women replied in the affirmative. He said, This is the deficiency in her religion."
Muhammad said in the last Hadith that a woman’s menses was a sign of her being deficient in the religion. The following scripture (and I do mean scripture because Sunni Muslims consider Bukhari and Muslim’s Hadiths Islamic scripture) is an example of why Muslims don’t want people to know what their scriptures actually say: Bukhari V9B93N639 (Narrated by Aisha), "The prophet used to recite the Quran with his head in my lap while I used to be in my periods (having menses)."
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Bible For Muslims
Muslims say that Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael, and most Muslims consider themselves in a religious sense, descendants of Ishmael. With that, let’s turn to the Bible, Genesis 16:11-12, "Behold, you are with child, and you will bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has heard your affliction. He will be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him.” Well, that pretty much sums up the 1400 year history of Islam. Though some of you may still be wondering, will Muslims always be in conflict with their neighbors; can’t they all just get along? Let me explain further, or better yet, I’ll let Ishmael’s descendant Muhammad explain: Qur’an Surah 9:123, “Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto him).” Well, I guess not. So as always, God is accurate in His prediction.
Now, let’s fast-forward about 2000 years and turn to II Thessalonians 2:3-4, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come [referring to the second coming of Christ] unless the apostasy comes first,” now lets stop here; the apostasy, or as the New King James says, “the falling away.” What could that be? I Timothy 4:1-3, “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from certain foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who know the truth.” Forbidding people to marry; what religious organization forbids people, or certain people to marry?
Anyway, back to II Thessalonians chapter 2, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” Let’s read that last line again, “so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” What’s on the temple mount today? The Dome of the Rock, the 3rd most sacred shrine in Islam that says, “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”
While you’re contemplating this passage, let’s turn to another one of Paul’s letters, Galatians 1:8-9, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” So Paul, who proven through the fulfillment of the prophecy in II Thessalonians chapter 2 is speaking for God, says that even if an angel preaches anything other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified, let him be accursed. Keep this in mind as we continue.
Fast forwarding almost 6 centuries to the sands of what is now Saudi Arabia, we read a story found in the Islamic text in Bukhari V1B1N3, which is narrated by Muhammad’s child bride Aisha, who he married when she was six and started having sexual relations with her when she was nine (Bukhari V7B62N64, 65, and 88, which by the way is against what is said in Song of Solomon 8:8-9, and I Corinthians 7:36), we find the first of what would be a series of revelations over a 20 year period given to Muhammad by an “angel” who would later identify himself as Gabriel. In the first of these revelations, the angel appears to him in a dream, and tells the illiterate Muhammad to read; when Muhammad replies he can’t read, the angel seizes him and presses him to the point of death, while at the same time saying (among other things), “your lord is most generous.” Picture the visual here; beating up and choking someone while at the same time saying how generous they are, sounds like something a gangster would do. Anyway, after the third replay of this scenario, Muhammad runs home frightened to his wife Khadija, jumps in bed, and hides under the covers.
Now, let’s compare Muhammad’s Gabriel (the one who likes to beat and choke), with the Gabriel from the Bible. The prophet Daniel, writing about his revelation from Gabriel says in Daniel 8:18, “but he touched me, and stood me upright.” So Muhammad’s Gabriel throws him down to the ground and chokes him, and Gabriel from the Bible touches Daniel and stands him upright—interesting.
Next, let’s compare the Jesus of the Qur’an and the Jesus of the Bible. Muhammad, speaking the words revealed to him by his angel, said in Qur’an Surah 4:157, “but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not.” Modern English translation: I Muhammad, an illiterate man who was born 6 centuries after the fact, really know what happened. The angel who beat me up and choked me said that Jesus was not crucified, someone who looked like him was. And those guys from the 1st century who were alive at the time, they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Now, turning to the book of Matthew (one of those who were there with Jesus in the 1st century), what do we find Jesus saying to Peter when Peter told Jesus that He will not be crucified? Matthew 16:23 “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” So Muhammad said that Jesus was not crucified and almost six centuries beforehand, Jesus says that anyone who does not want Him to be crucified is either: following the will of Satan, or following their own earthly desires, again—very interesting.
Turning to the history of al-Tabari, (Islam’s most trusted historian) we find in Tabari VI, page 83, “This is Muhammad bin Abdallah, who claims that Allah has sent him as his messenger with this religion and that the treasures of Persia and Rome will be given to him in conquest.” And also Bukhari V9B87N141, “I heard Allah’s apostle saying…while I was sleeping, the keys to the treasures of the earth were brought to me and put in my hand.” So as we conclude: Muhammad’s “angel” who beat him up and choked him, not only told him that Jesus was not crucified, but if he did what he told him to do, he would make him very rich (this gangster analogy is making more and more sense as we continue). I Timothy 6:9, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” And II Corinthians 11:14, “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.”
II Thessalonians 2:3-4, and 9-12, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God…that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”
Now, let’s fast-forward about 2000 years and turn to II Thessalonians 2:3-4, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come [referring to the second coming of Christ] unless the apostasy comes first,” now lets stop here; the apostasy, or as the New King James says, “the falling away.” What could that be? I Timothy 4:1-3, “But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from certain foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who know the truth.” Forbidding people to marry; what religious organization forbids people, or certain people to marry?
Anyway, back to II Thessalonians chapter 2, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” Let’s read that last line again, “so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” What’s on the temple mount today? The Dome of the Rock, the 3rd most sacred shrine in Islam that says, “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”
While you’re contemplating this passage, let’s turn to another one of Paul’s letters, Galatians 1:8-9, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” So Paul, who proven through the fulfillment of the prophecy in II Thessalonians chapter 2 is speaking for God, says that even if an angel preaches anything other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified, let him be accursed. Keep this in mind as we continue.
Fast forwarding almost 6 centuries to the sands of what is now Saudi Arabia, we read a story found in the Islamic text in Bukhari V1B1N3, which is narrated by Muhammad’s child bride Aisha, who he married when she was six and started having sexual relations with her when she was nine (Bukhari V7B62N64, 65, and 88, which by the way is against what is said in Song of Solomon 8:8-9, and I Corinthians 7:36), we find the first of what would be a series of revelations over a 20 year period given to Muhammad by an “angel” who would later identify himself as Gabriel. In the first of these revelations, the angel appears to him in a dream, and tells the illiterate Muhammad to read; when Muhammad replies he can’t read, the angel seizes him and presses him to the point of death, while at the same time saying (among other things), “your lord is most generous.” Picture the visual here; beating up and choking someone while at the same time saying how generous they are, sounds like something a gangster would do. Anyway, after the third replay of this scenario, Muhammad runs home frightened to his wife Khadija, jumps in bed, and hides under the covers.
Now, let’s compare Muhammad’s Gabriel (the one who likes to beat and choke), with the Gabriel from the Bible. The prophet Daniel, writing about his revelation from Gabriel says in Daniel 8:18, “but he touched me, and stood me upright.” So Muhammad’s Gabriel throws him down to the ground and chokes him, and Gabriel from the Bible touches Daniel and stands him upright—interesting.
Next, let’s compare the Jesus of the Qur’an and the Jesus of the Bible. Muhammad, speaking the words revealed to him by his angel, said in Qur’an Surah 4:157, “but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not.” Modern English translation: I Muhammad, an illiterate man who was born 6 centuries after the fact, really know what happened. The angel who beat me up and choked me said that Jesus was not crucified, someone who looked like him was. And those guys from the 1st century who were alive at the time, they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Now, turning to the book of Matthew (one of those who were there with Jesus in the 1st century), what do we find Jesus saying to Peter when Peter told Jesus that He will not be crucified? Matthew 16:23 “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” So Muhammad said that Jesus was not crucified and almost six centuries beforehand, Jesus says that anyone who does not want Him to be crucified is either: following the will of Satan, or following their own earthly desires, again—very interesting.
Turning to the history of al-Tabari, (Islam’s most trusted historian) we find in Tabari VI, page 83, “This is Muhammad bin Abdallah, who claims that Allah has sent him as his messenger with this religion and that the treasures of Persia and Rome will be given to him in conquest.” And also Bukhari V9B87N141, “I heard Allah’s apostle saying…while I was sleeping, the keys to the treasures of the earth were brought to me and put in my hand.” So as we conclude: Muhammad’s “angel” who beat him up and choked him, not only told him that Jesus was not crucified, but if he did what he told him to do, he would make him very rich (this gangster analogy is making more and more sense as we continue). I Timothy 6:9, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” And II Corinthians 11:14, “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.”
II Thessalonians 2:3-4, and 9-12, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God…that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.”
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Who Is Allah, The Conclusion
In my two postings, Who is Allah, Parts I and II, I said that Muhammad was the prophet of Satan and gave evidence (using Islamic scripture) to support my claim. But you may ask, how do Muslims see Allah? Since they worship him, how do they describe who he is? Since that’s an excellent question, let’s do some research and find out what Muslims say about their god.
A quick google search of “names of Allah” will turn up a whole list of Muslim Web sites that list the ninety-nine names of Allah. Ninety-nine names you may ask? Why does Allah have ninety-nine names? One of the reasons why is because in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah, Muhammad said that Allah has ninety-nine names. If you're wondering why Muhammad would say something like that, let me explain; or better yet, I’ll let Muhammad explain: Bukhari V4B56N732, “Allah’s Apostle said, I have five names: I am Muhammad and Ahmad (the most praiseworthy); I am Al-Mahi (the obliterator) through whom Allah will eliminate infidelity; I am Al-Hashir who will be the first to be resurrected, the people being resurrected after; and I am also Al-Aqib (there will be no prophet after me).” Tabari VIII: 182-183, “The people assembled in Mecca to swear their allegiance to the Messenger in submission. He received from them an oath of allegiance to himself, to heed and obey…Now go for I have accepted your allegiance and praise.” Qur’an Surah 48:10, “Verily, those who pledge allegiance with you (Muhammad), pledge allegiance with Allah.”
So now that we know that Muhammad must be praised and adored, then it makes sense that Allah should be praised and adored even more. So if we take a look at the ninety-nine names of Allah (which the majority of them are some variation of how great Allah is) there are a few of them however, that should grab your attention. Since the Arabic spellings on these vary, I’ll just list the English translation. Those names are: the Abaser, Afflicter, Destroyer, Distresser, and the Humiliator. If you’re a Christian, you’re probably seeing something like big red flashings signs going off in your head saying: warning, warning, danger, danger! Especially that destroyer name: where have we heard that before? Revelation 9:11, “They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss; whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon” (destruction), “but in Greek he has the name Apollyon” (destroyer). Oh yeah! That’s where.
So again, that brings us to the same question: is Allah really Satan? Well, let’s look at one of the most well known verses in the Bible that refers to Satan and see what it says. Isaiah 14:12, “How you have fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning!” The phrase translated as “Lucifer, son of the morning” from the Hebrew text is “helel ben shachar” which means: shinning, son of the dawn. Is there somewhere in the Islamic scriptures that refers to someone of the dawn? Actually there is. If we turn to Qur’an Surah 113:1-2 we find, “Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn, from the evil of what he has created.” Well now, Lord of the Dawn, creates evil, seems like we have a match.
But just to be sure we have this right, lets turn to Matthew 5:34-37, and see what Jesus said when He was talking about swearing, “But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet…But let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” That’s funny, because in Qur’an Surah 91:1-6 we find Allah swearing by: the sun, the moon, the day, the night, the heaven, and the earth. Not to mention throughout the Qur’an we also find him swearing by such things as: the angels who violently tear out souls (79:1); the planets (81:15); the after glow of sunset (84:16); and of all things, the fig and the olive (95:1). Allah just can’t seem to stop swearing can he? “But let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Yes, the evil one indeed!
So now we know why every time there is a teaching in the Bible, we seem to find the exact opposite in the Islamic scriptures. Here are a some more examples:
Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Qur’an 9:5, “Then when the sacred months have passed, then kill the disbelievers wherever you find them.”
Luke 24:47, “that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Qur’an 8:39, “And fight them until there is no more disbelief and the religion will be all for Allah alone.”
Mark 16:16, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Qur’an 9:111, “Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah’s Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.”
Acts 2:38, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.” Qur’an 61:11-12, “believe in Allah and his Messenger and strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives…if you do so he will forgive your sins.”
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Qur’an 5:72, “Surely they have disbelieved who say: Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. But the Messiah said: O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Verily, whosoever sets up partners with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode.”
Titus 3:2, “to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.” Qur’an 3:61, “Then whoever disputes with you concerning Him (Jesus) after knowledge has come to you [meaning Jesus is not the Son of God]…then we pray and invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie.”
Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Qur’an 33:60-61, "If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts are a disease, and those who spread false rumors in the city do not cease, we will urge you on against them…Accursed, they will be seized where they are found and slain with a terrible slaughter."
Matthew 26:34, “Jesus said to him, Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” Muslim C19B035N6581, “When you listen to the crowing of the rooster, ask Allah for his favor as it sees angels.”
I Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord.” Bukhari V4B55N657, “Allah’s Apostle said, by him in whose hands my soul is, surely (Jesus) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly, he will break the cross and kill the pigs” [pigs interpreted to mean Jews, Qur'an 5:60].
As we have discovered in these three postings, Muhammad was Satan's prophet, proclaiming Satan's message to the world. Thus, everything written in the Qur'an and Hadiths are the antithesis of what's written in the Bible. I’ll close this series with what seems like a Freudian slip from Muhammad: Bukhari V4B55N544, “Allah's Apostle said, Shall I not tell you about the Dajjal a story of which no prophet told his nation? The Dajjall is one-eyed and will bring with him what will resemble Hell and Paradise, and what he will call Paradise will be actually Hell.” Qur’an Surah 33:21, “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the last Day.”
A quick google search of “names of Allah” will turn up a whole list of Muslim Web sites that list the ninety-nine names of Allah. Ninety-nine names you may ask? Why does Allah have ninety-nine names? One of the reasons why is because in the Hadith of Abu Hurairah, Muhammad said that Allah has ninety-nine names. If you're wondering why Muhammad would say something like that, let me explain; or better yet, I’ll let Muhammad explain: Bukhari V4B56N732, “Allah’s Apostle said, I have five names: I am Muhammad and Ahmad (the most praiseworthy); I am Al-Mahi (the obliterator) through whom Allah will eliminate infidelity; I am Al-Hashir who will be the first to be resurrected, the people being resurrected after; and I am also Al-Aqib (there will be no prophet after me).” Tabari VIII: 182-183, “The people assembled in Mecca to swear their allegiance to the Messenger in submission. He received from them an oath of allegiance to himself, to heed and obey…Now go for I have accepted your allegiance and praise.” Qur’an Surah 48:10, “Verily, those who pledge allegiance with you (Muhammad), pledge allegiance with Allah.”
So now that we know that Muhammad must be praised and adored, then it makes sense that Allah should be praised and adored even more. So if we take a look at the ninety-nine names of Allah (which the majority of them are some variation of how great Allah is) there are a few of them however, that should grab your attention. Since the Arabic spellings on these vary, I’ll just list the English translation. Those names are: the Abaser, Afflicter, Destroyer, Distresser, and the Humiliator. If you’re a Christian, you’re probably seeing something like big red flashings signs going off in your head saying: warning, warning, danger, danger! Especially that destroyer name: where have we heard that before? Revelation 9:11, “They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss; whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon” (destruction), “but in Greek he has the name Apollyon” (destroyer). Oh yeah! That’s where.
So again, that brings us to the same question: is Allah really Satan? Well, let’s look at one of the most well known verses in the Bible that refers to Satan and see what it says. Isaiah 14:12, “How you have fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning!” The phrase translated as “Lucifer, son of the morning” from the Hebrew text is “helel ben shachar” which means: shinning, son of the dawn. Is there somewhere in the Islamic scriptures that refers to someone of the dawn? Actually there is. If we turn to Qur’an Surah 113:1-2 we find, “Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn, from the evil of what he has created.” Well now, Lord of the Dawn, creates evil, seems like we have a match.
But just to be sure we have this right, lets turn to Matthew 5:34-37, and see what Jesus said when He was talking about swearing, “But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet…But let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” That’s funny, because in Qur’an Surah 91:1-6 we find Allah swearing by: the sun, the moon, the day, the night, the heaven, and the earth. Not to mention throughout the Qur’an we also find him swearing by such things as: the angels who violently tear out souls (79:1); the planets (81:15); the after glow of sunset (84:16); and of all things, the fig and the olive (95:1). Allah just can’t seem to stop swearing can he? “But let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Yes, the evil one indeed!
So now we know why every time there is a teaching in the Bible, we seem to find the exact opposite in the Islamic scriptures. Here are a some more examples:
Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Qur’an 9:5, “Then when the sacred months have passed, then kill the disbelievers wherever you find them.”
Luke 24:47, “that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” Qur’an 8:39, “And fight them until there is no more disbelief and the religion will be all for Allah alone.”
Mark 16:16, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Qur’an 9:111, “Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah’s Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.”
Acts 2:38, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.” Qur’an 61:11-12, “believe in Allah and his Messenger and strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives…if you do so he will forgive your sins.”
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Qur’an 5:72, “Surely they have disbelieved who say: Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. But the Messiah said: O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Verily, whosoever sets up partners with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode.”
Titus 3:2, “to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.” Qur’an 3:61, “Then whoever disputes with you concerning Him (Jesus) after knowledge has come to you [meaning Jesus is not the Son of God]…then we pray and invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie.”
Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Qur’an 33:60-61, "If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts are a disease, and those who spread false rumors in the city do not cease, we will urge you on against them…Accursed, they will be seized where they are found and slain with a terrible slaughter."
Matthew 26:34, “Jesus said to him, Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” Muslim C19B035N6581, “When you listen to the crowing of the rooster, ask Allah for his favor as it sees angels.”
I Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord.” Bukhari V4B55N657, “Allah’s Apostle said, by him in whose hands my soul is, surely (Jesus) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly, he will break the cross and kill the pigs” [pigs interpreted to mean Jews, Qur'an 5:60].
As we have discovered in these three postings, Muhammad was Satan's prophet, proclaiming Satan's message to the world. Thus, everything written in the Qur'an and Hadiths are the antithesis of what's written in the Bible. I’ll close this series with what seems like a Freudian slip from Muhammad: Bukhari V4B55N544, “Allah's Apostle said, Shall I not tell you about the Dajjal a story of which no prophet told his nation? The Dajjall is one-eyed and will bring with him what will resemble Hell and Paradise, and what he will call Paradise will be actually Hell.” Qur’an Surah 33:21, “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the last Day.”
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