These next few weeks I'll post a series of email conversations I had with an atheist in response to me sending her what I wrote in my "Something to Think About" post. I will not be publishing her emails to me; however, by my series of responses, the bases of her claims and questions will be obvious. I've made some minor changes to make our conversations as clear as possible.
First off, where is the scientific evidence for life starting with some unknown bacteria, somehow as the result of the Big Bang? There is none, it’s just a theory. Just like the Big Bang itself, there is no proof: it's just a theory. It's true the moon reflects light from the sun, but it still is a light to the earth by night. Carbon dating assumes (and you know what happens when you assume) that carbon is lost at the same rate over time. If for some reason carbon is not lost at the same rate over time, there goes the dating process. However, the Bible doesn't say the earth is six thousand years old: again that's someone's theory. In the first chapter of Genesis it describes each period of creation as a day, but in the second chapter it says "these are the generations of the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the day God made the earth and the heavens." So clearly creation is a period of time not literal days. When we die, don't our bodies turn to dust?
If your cat had so much pain and discomfort during her pregnancy and giving birth, I suggest you call a veterinarian. Compared to humans, animals have minimal discomfort during their pregnancy. Why don't you ask some biologists? Or better yet, ask your mother about morning sickness and other women about their pregnancy and especially their delivery. And you still haven't answered all my questions, so I'll ask this one again. If an object at the quantum level can be in multiple locations at the same time, and matter at the quantum level behaves differently whether its being observed, isn’t it possible that an All Powerful Force said “Let the seas be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear.” the Bible's version of creation, if you're going to be honest about it, according to the recent discoveries in quantum physics has to be examined, of course unless you already have your mind made up.
The bottom line however, is that the Bible is not a scientific or archaeological book. It's a spiritual book, that summed up, tells of the redemption of mankind, although every archaeological find has confirmed what the Bible has said as being accurate. As far as human history goes, the recent scientific evidence that the universe is continually expanding and the earth being round, which was referred to in Isaiah 40:22 around 700 B.C., which again you haven't answered as to how a human during that time could have known that, unless God told him. Like many of the other points I've made, I see you already have your mind made up.
But a couple of other facts before I go; speaking of Ishmael, the father of the Arabs, God said in Genesis 16:12, "He will be a wild man; his hand will be against all men and all men's hand will be against him." Ishmael's descendants, one of whom was the founder of Islam said in Ishaq:204 "Do you realize what you are committing yourselves to in pledging your support to this man (Muhammad)? It is to wage war against all mankind." Research Islamic history from the 7th century to today, or go talk to the Africans in Sudan who are being slaughtered by Muslim militia, or the people in East Timor who last decade, 1/3 where killed by Indonesian Muslims, or the Thai's or Hindu. I'm sure you didn't hear about the Hindu holocaust or the Armenian genocide when you was in school or any of the Muslim violence during the 1400 year history of Islam. Then, there is the prophecy in Daniel 9:24 - 26, which was around 540 B.C.. 69 times 7 equals 483 years, but that's in Jewish years and that comes out to approximately 476 years as we know them today. 476 years from when the order for Jerusalem to be rebuilt by King Artaxerxes in 444 B.C., Nehemiah 2:3 - 8, gets you to 33 A.D. (there's no year 0 in the Gregorian calendar): so again, the Bible is accurate.
As I conclude, I don't mean to come off in a negative way. I just hope you will look at these facts which are proven, except the findings in quantum physics which are still being examined, and examine them with an open mind and find out for yourself if they are true. You will soon discover there is so much evidence on It's side, that the Bible has to be the word of God; just the mere fact of all these authors over more than a thousand year period tell such a consistent story should perk your curiosity. I wish you a good day and happy investigating.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Something To Think About
The scientific consensus is life began on earth in the oceans and then it came on land. In Genesis, where does it say God created life first? The answer: in the oceans. Although that may stump you for a minute, I’m sure you atheist will be able to think of some “scientific” reason why the rib is the only bone in the human body that grows back and why we are the only species on the planet to have intense pain in child birth.
Wait, I know what you’re thinking, somewhere in the Bible it says, “the sun stood still” and we all know it’s the earth that revolves around the sun. Well, if you were to follow that logic, no one would ever say sunrise or sunset. But anyway, for your information in Isaiah 40:22 it says, “God sits above the circle of the earth and stretches out the heavens.” Of course today we all know the earth is a circle, and would you believe it, scientists are now saying the universe is continually expanding: fascinating. Oh, and one more thing that will surprise you, the word religion is never used in the Old Testament, and the few times it is used in the New Testament it’s not used in a positive way.
So to sum it all up, since the Bible and science are more in agreement than you’ve realized and since It has also been found to be archaeologically accurate, don’t you think it may be time to re-examine your position; or to put it another way, if the physical things the Bible says are true, doesn’t it make sense that the spiritual things It says are also true?
Wait, I know what you’re thinking, somewhere in the Bible it says, “the sun stood still” and we all know it’s the earth that revolves around the sun. Well, if you were to follow that logic, no one would ever say sunrise or sunset. But anyway, for your information in Isaiah 40:22 it says, “God sits above the circle of the earth and stretches out the heavens.” Of course today we all know the earth is a circle, and would you believe it, scientists are now saying the universe is continually expanding: fascinating. Oh, and one more thing that will surprise you, the word religion is never used in the Old Testament, and the few times it is used in the New Testament it’s not used in a positive way.
So to sum it all up, since the Bible and science are more in agreement than you’ve realized and since It has also been found to be archaeologically accurate, don’t you think it may be time to re-examine your position; or to put it another way, if the physical things the Bible says are true, doesn’t it make sense that the spiritual things It says are also true?
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